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Hello and welcome!


My name is Jen

and I've created Jen Stylish Soul 

to document my interests in Interior Design, Home Decor, DIY, Upcyling, Sewing, Fashion, Food, Health Music Photography and much more!


I've always been a creative person and coming from a humble background I enjoy learning how to do things, with the materials I have available and usually on a budget!


 In my teens I studied dressmaking and fashion design and I'm also a qualified singing teacher and Master Herbalist, so love anything that keeps me vibrant, living a long, happy and fulfilling life. Think of me as an 'old wives tale hub'!


I hope you enjoy my blog and can take something useful away.  Feel free to get in touch below if you have any questions and keep popping back for new articles about my triumphs, fails and the tips and tricks I've picked up along the way!


All the very best


Jen x

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